Jun 23, 2010

NBA Draft prospect JOHN WALL X Reebok ZigTech Slash

NBA Draft top prospect JOHN WALL

REEBOK Head of Sports & Entertainment Marketing, TODD KRINSKY

While watching the NBA Draft tonight on ESPN, be sure to watch out for REEBOK's commercial introducing JOHN WALL as the face for their new ZigTech Slash basketball shoe. WALL will be the premier athlete to wear ZigTech on & off the court and is excited about it! "I've been training in Zigs and the extra energy the shoes give me is like nothing I have ever felt before" says WALL, who has had a relationship with REEBOK since 2007 while in their BREAK OUT CAMP. TODD KRINSKY, Head of REEBOK's Sports & Ent Mktng says WALL "has a distinct swagger on the court & an aspirational style and flair off the court" Hitting retail in October 2010, REEBOK president ULI BECKER says "This partnership could not come at a better time for REEBOK after a hugely successful launch of our ZigTech training footwear collection." CHECK OUT THE PRESS CONFERENCE via THE SHOE GAME


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